(404) 327-6330

Master Effective Communication and Collaboration by Becoming a Certified DiSC Facilitator

 If these past six months have taught us anything, it is the need for effective communication skills especially in a virtual/remote team environment. Many companies found that people could be productive while working from home, but the challenges of maintaining connection and building trust are becoming more apparent over time. Some of the challenges we … Read more

Virtual COVID-19 Support: Moving Forward Together & Complimentary/Strategy Sessions

First, we hope that you and your loved ones are safe, healthy, and well. The purpose of this message is to outline some ways we can help support you and your leaders and teams during this time of disruption. During this unprecedented situation, fear and confusion abound. To survive and ultimately thrive in a very … Read more

Unleash the Power of Teamwork

The Five Behaviors® Personal Development Virtual Showcase I’m sure you’ve noticed that the way we work is fundamentally changing. Things certainly aren’t slowing down either. To keep up, we need teams that see change as an opportunity instead of a burden. We need individuals with the skills and knowledge it takes to be effective team … Read more

The Mechanics of Conflict

Conflict is an uncomfortable, yet unavoidable part of every workplace. That’s not the first time you’ve heard this sentiment from us, and it won’t be the last. Because on the one hand, conflict has the potential to cripple organizational culture. But on the other hand, it can also fuel productivity, problem solving, and innovation. So … Read more

If You Aren’t Stretching, You Aren’t Learning

“Stability is a shut off switch for your brain.” This is the central idea of Inc.’s article, “Science Has Just Confirmed That If You’re Not Outside Your Comfort Zone, You’re Not Learning” written by Jessica Stillman. Her statement is backed by research from Yale University that says brain regions associated with learning basically shut down when we are … Read more

The Invisible Drain on Your Company’s Culture

Here’s a hard business truth: No workplace is free of the ravages of distrust. Anyone who’s ever held a job knows the frustrations that emerge when coworkers don’t trust each other – the miscommunications, rivalries, inefficiencies, morale problems, and turnover that, in the end, distract people from their work and make life stressful. And ultimately, … Read more

A Winning Approach to Employee Development

Managers play a critical role in developing the people on their teams. Without strong leaders and a strategic management plan, people often become complacent or feel unfulfilled and “stuck” in their jobs. Harvard Business Review recently shared Sydney Finklestein’s article on the importance and challenges of this, “Why a One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Employee Development Doesn’t … Read more

Don’t Be Upstaged by Workplace Drama

“To be, or not to be? That is the question—” okay, so that isn’t the question we’re asking in this blog post. But we are discussing drama, although the type of drama we’re referring to happens in the workplace, not the theater. According to a recent Wiley study that asked 12,000 people, “What is the first word or phrase … Read more