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New Podcast Episode on Emotional Intelligence & Leadership and Team Agility: HOW AGILE ARE YOU?

It’s clear that the CoVid 19 challenge the world is still facing has required new levels of leadership and teaming skills. People and organizations have been called to step up their game in order to lead through this crisis and beyond.

Listen to Dean interview Laura on the importance of emotional intelligence, agility, and intuition to lead through change and disruption. As they discuss, we all have a natural inclination for how we handle new situations and the conflicts that may arise. How easily do you adapt to new situations, not just at work, but in your community and society? Your level of agility impacts your relationships with coworkers and colleagues, friends and family members, and the world at large.

We have two resources to help you and your coworkers and teams to become more agile. If you sense that you and your team members could handle some situations more effectively, you are NOT alone. We do have a way to measure and develop agility that really works. The solution is Everything DiSC Agile EQ and its associated Facilitation Kit.

Everything DiSC Agile EQ:

  • Reveals your natural tendencies and strengths and challenges with being emotionally intelligent and agile.
  • Offers specific behavioral tips for moving beyond your habitual, familiar patterns so you and your team can learn to adapt to whatever situation you’re facing even the difficult ones of 2020.
  • Recommends steps for adapting to others’ emotions and effectively interacting with people whose agility is quite different than your own.

We have also created another Leadership Agility Solution in the form of an additional 4-hour virtual training program called “Leading with Emotional Intelligence.”

This training helps leaders and teams identify and understand:

  • The topic of emotional intelligence and why is it so vital in today’s world
  • Your natural responses and how your mindsets and emotions influence your decisions and behavior
  • Opportunities and situations where you would be a more effective leader with a new approach

Both programs emphasize and allow you to practice new tools and strategies to apply to adjust your mindset, and therefore behavior, in the moment.

For more information, contact us at 678-637-8977 or email us at Laura@lauraadavis.com

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